What all do I get if I join?20+ Hours Of Video Training - Step-by-step
- Granny-proof
- High-definition
- Entertaining
- You'll love learning
20+ Hours Of Audio Training - Each video in MP3 format
- Easy, on-the-go listening
- Great for cardio sessions
- Clear, crisp, enjoyable
Website Builder - Stupid simple to use
- Point, click, drag, drop
- Be up and running today
- Duplicate your site with one click
- Tweak it for a new city and repeat
Special Software - Get a local number in any city
- Track every email and call your site gets
- Automatically forward them to any biz owner
- You never have to talk to anyone
- The entire thing runs hands-free
- Spend your days doing what you love
Proven Prospecting System - Do this in any city
- Without leaving home
- Introvert-friendly
- No selling necessary
- Just hand out samples, virtually
- They'll sell themselves
- Close deals via email, text, phone, or social media
- Or have us do it for ya
Custom Calculators - Pick the most profitable niches
- Know exactly what each lead is worth
- Take the guesswork out of charging clients
- Scale to desired level of monthly income
Live Weekly Zoom Sessions - Ask questions, get answers
- Interviews with top earners
- Learn advanced strategies
- Stay on the cutting-edge
- Pairs well with an adult beverage
Recordings Of Past Zoom Sessions - No worries if you can't attend live
- Binge-watch the archives
- It's like Netflix for entrepreneurs
- Truly become an expert
Private Facebook Group- Never feel alone or stuck
- Everyone has your back
- We'll help you rank your sites faster
- Build belief from seeing others' wins
- Nobody's group is more active than ours
Live Events - Handshakes, hugs
- Energy, excitement
- Business breakthroughs
- Create new friendships
- Make some memories together
Free Lifetime Updates - Pay us once
- Profit forever
- The last program you'll ever buy
Outsourcing Department - Any step, done-for-you
- Perfect if you're low on time
- Or you don't like doing something
- Or if you just flat-out wanna go faster
How much does all that cost?$2,980.
Got any pay plans?Yep: $1,750 x 2 or $1,000 x 4.
Can I write this off on my taxes?You sure can. So it's like getting a discount of up to 37% off, depending on your tax bracket.
Why can't I find any reviews on you guys?No ads, no emails - nobody knows about us unless we want 'em to.
Why's this site so ugly?A clean layout is more user-friendly, loads faster, and converts better.
But if we're being honest, we also don't spend much time promoting this.
Why? Because we're too busy actually doing the work and supporting the community we already have.
Why are some of the videos so old?It's because everything we teach still works.
There's no reason to spend time re-recording flashy updates when the strategies are timeless and the results speak for themselves.
Unlike the gurus who spend their days on Instagram and YouTube pumping out endless content to sell their courses, we don't have to.
And let's be real - if they're always online trying to promote themselves, when do they have time to actually
do what they're preaching? That's a dead giveaway.
What makes you guys different?- We walk the walk - that's how you ended up here.
- You know this works, or you wouldn't still be reading.
- No obnoxious ads, no hype, and no wild income claims.
- No cringe "look at my Lambo" flexing.
- No wasting your time with a "free 90-minute live training" (which is really just a prerecorded sales pitch full of fluff and fake scarcity).
- We didn't ask for your email or phone number, so you're not getting spammed with follow-ups.
- No creepy retargeting ads following you around like that plus-sized stalker from Baby Reindeer.
- We tell you our price upfront - because transparency shouldn't be rare.
- No random upsells once you're inside - this isn't a bait-and-switch operation.
How do I apply?Schedule a time to talk to us here.
Anything else I should know?Please leave detailed answers on the next page or we'll cancel your call.